Holiday Hours : Dec 23 : 10am to 7pm, Dec 24 : 10am to 4pm CLOSED Dec 25-27 HOLIDAY HOURS : MON DEC 23 : 10am to 7pm, TUES DEC 24 : 10am to 4pm CLOSED DEC 25-27

1618 Silver lake blvd LA,CA 90026

Mon-Sun 11-6

Soul Space :: Oro Incense

Soul Space :: Oro Incense

$ 25.00

Notes of Sage, Sweetgrass and Copal

Mood: Cleansing

Perfect For: Increased focus, purifying a space, or pairing with a ceremony or ritual.

Refresh your space with Oro Incense, featuring a harmonious blend of Organic Sage and Wildcrafted Sweetgrass. This favorite herbal duo infuses Oro with cleansing and purifying qualities, crafting an aroma that soothes and pacifies. Ideal for meditation, yoga, or enhancing your work-from-home environment, Oro invites you into a realm of tranquility and balance, guiding you towards inner peace.

Ingredients: Organic White Sage, Wild harvested Sweetgrass, Organic Sweet Woodruff, Golden Copal Resin, and Organic Orris Root.

How to Use: Gently shake the container for an even mix, and lightly sprinkle (don’t pile) a teaspoon onto the incense holder screen. Less is more!

Safety: Only compatible with standard sized tealight candles. We do not recommend beeswax candles as beeswax burns at a higher temperature and is not suitable for our delicate incense blends.